
Vojtech Ábel 1911 - 1945 Edit

Born 9.2.1911 in Piešťany
Died 10.4.1945 in Mauthausen


Vojtech Ábel studied at the College of Mechanical Engineering in Košice from 1929 to 1933. After completing training at the school for reserve officers in the motorised units, he was transferred to Trenčin to join the 15th Motorised Unit. Later he completed a training course for officers in the technical armament service, rising to the rank of lieutenant in 1936. After the establishment of the Slovak State, he was in charge of a squad of motorised units at the main headquarters in Bratislava. At the beginning of 1942 he was named captain of the motorised units. After the attack on the Soviet Union he was also sent to the eastern front, where as part of his activities for the security division he worked with with Captain Ján Nálepka, who defected to the Soviet partisans in 1943, as well as with other officers in the resistance.

After his return from the eastern front he worked in military administration at the Interior Ministry, where one of his responsibilities was registering and mobilising soldiers. After the outbreak of the Slovak National Uprising he was appointed as head of the motorised units by the rebel command of Defence District 1. Later he was in charge of the motorised units of the insurgents’ Tactical Group III. At the end of October 1944 he was taken prisoner, following the rebels’ evacuation from Zvolen. However, he managed to escape and returned to his wife in Piešťany. Here he was arrested again and handed over the German occupying authorities.

In the night of 31 March 1945 he was deported on the last transport to Mauthausen, from whence he never returned. After the war he was posthumously awarded the rank of lieutenant-colonel.

Igor Baka



Vojenský historický archív Praha, Kvalifikačná listina V. Ábela [Qualification Certificate V. Ábel].



Jozef Jablonický: Povstanie bez legiend [Uprising without Legends] (Bratislava 1990), p. 155, p. 235 and p. 313.

Jozef Jablonický: Z ilegality do povstania [From Illegality to Uprising] (Banská Bystrica 2010), p. 314.


Vojenské osobnosti československého odboje [Figures of the Czechoslovakian Military Resistance] (Prague 2005), p. 13f.


Translation into English: Joanna White

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