
Karel Welzel 1901 - 1941 Edit

Born 10.4.1901 in Náchod
Died 17.12.1941 in Mauthausen


Together with his younger brother František (born 1903), Karel Welzel was co-owner of the shipping company Sebastian Welzel und Söhne. They owned a fuel depot next to the main station in Náchod. A huge fire broke out there in the night of 30 to 31 August 1941. According to the report compiled by the police in Náchod, 80,000 to 100,000 litres of oil, petrol and kerosene were stored there. Because the perpetrators could not be apprehended, the Gestapo ordered the immediate arrest of innocent people, since the fire was classified as sabotage.

On 9 September 1941 a total of 71 people from Náchod were deported to the Small Fortress in Terezín, including 31 Jews. Together with 29 people arrested in Úpice, the total number of those arrested was 100, as demanded by the Gestapo. Some of them were deported to the Mauthausen concentration camp after the arrival of Reinhard Heydrich at the start of the first period of martial law[1] as a warning to others. It seems that only one person returned by the end of 1942 – Hubert Rokoš, son of the proprietor of the station restaurant in Náchod, also called Hubert Rokoš. His subsequent fate is unclear.

Julius Neumann, a citizen of Úpice, died in the Small Fortress in Terezín on 27 October 1941. Others were released after two months on 31 October 1941 and returned home.

On 1 September 1941 the owners of the fuel deport, the brothers Karel and František Welzel, were arrested and interrogated separately by the Gestapo in Hradec Králové. They were initially released after two days and allowed home. But after a few days they were re-arrested in accordance with an order from Prague and taken to the Gestapo in Hradec Králové. Only František, who managed external business in the firm, was released and allowed home. The elder brother Karel, who was in charge of administration and directly responsible for the fuel depot, was, apparently for this reason, sent to the Pankrác prison in Prague and deported from there to the Mauthausen concentration camp, where he was shot dead on 17 December 1941, allegedly while trying to escape.

Alena Čtvrtečková



Národní archiv Praha – Chodovec, interior ministry fund I – N, R 1936–1953, Prague, Box 12002, Sign. E 1654 Náchod (reports by the state police authorities in Náchod concerning the investigations into the fire, provided to the interior ministry).

Transcript made on 7 February 1947 of the investigating punitive commission of the National Regions Committee (Okresní Národní výbor, Abk. ONV) in Hradec Králové with the Gestapo employee Václav Hank, as well as a confirmation provided by the Military Historical Institute in Prague on 14 March 1947 and a death notice from Mauthausen dated 2 February 1942. The originals are the property of Karel Welzel from Náchod, the son of the murdered man.

Státní oblastní archiv v Zámrsku, record group for the Extraordinary Peoples Court (Mimořádný lidový soud, abbreviated to MLS) in Hradec Králové, Box 72, Albert Hardtke 1945–1947, Ls 33/47.



Jan Šimáně: Je tady Gestapo! (Náchod 1938–1945) [The Gestapo is here! (Náchod 1938–1945)] (Červený Kostelec 1946), p. 195 – dates of the arrest and imprisonment of Karel and František Welzel.


Translation into English: Joanna White

[1] Translator’s note: the first period of martial law lasted from 28 September to 28 November 1941.



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