
Václav Sinkule 1905 - 1942 Edit

Born 14.1.1905 in Praha
Died 20.4.1942 in Mauthausen


Václav Sinkule was born on 14 January 1905 in Prague, the son of a railway worker. He attended the commercial high school and in his free time took an interest in foreign languages, music, philosophy, literature and business. After completing his military service he worked in a bank. In 1927 he became a member of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ) and four years later went to both France and Algeria, where he researched issues including colonialism. After his return he enrolled at the College of Business and became a functionary of the Kostufra (Communist Student Fraction) and chairman of the Association of Under-Privileged and Progressive Students. In 1935 he took up an editorial position with the daily newspaper Rudé právo (Red Justice), where he concentrated on economic problems and student issues. In September 1936 he was sent as a war reporter to Spain, where he wrote articles for Communist periodicals in Czechoslovakia. He returned from the Iberian peninsular after six months in order to take over management of the ‘Society of Friends of Democratic Spain’.

In September 1938 Sinkule was conscripted into the Czechoslovak army, and then demobilised after the Munich Agreement. After the prohibition of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ) in the so-called Second Republic, he contributed to the development of an illegal party structure. He continued this activity after the occupation by Nazi Germany. For a short period he became seriously ill, but after recovering he renewed his activity in the resistance. He prepared materials for illegal Party publications and for the political education of KSČ members. He also continued with his theoretical works. He was active in the Party under the codenames ‘Smetana’ or ‘Sýkora’. At the start of 1941 he was entrusted with the leadership of the Party’s groups in Moravia as an instructor of the executive level of the illegal KSČ.

In mid-February 1941 the illegal KSČ fell victim to a catastrophe when its first executive level was smashed. Sinkule also fell into the clutches of the Gestapo – some days later, on 24 February 1941, he was arrested in Prague. In arresting him, the Gestapo also obtained documents about the illegal KSČ network in Moravia. He was detained for a year and two months, passed through the Gestapo prisons in Pankrác, Prague, and in the Kounice hall of residence in Brno. He spent six weeks in Theresienstadt. From there he was sent back to Pankrác. In Prague he was assigned to the transport to the Mauthausen concentration camp on 1 April 1942, along with Eduard Urx, a member of the first executive level of the banned KSČ. He arrived ten days later and was assigned prisoner number 9331. Both Communist functionaries were shot on 20 April 1942.

Jan Vajskebr


Terezín Memorial

Translation into English: Joanna White


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