

Biographical details are available for the following names:

Vilhelm Gutfreund 1909 - 1945

Born 12.8.1909 in Katovice
Died 6.2.1945 in Mauthausen

Vilhelm Gutfreund was the third son of Eduard and Klára. He had brothers called Leo and Rudolf. Both parents were Jewish. His father Eduard co-owned a hat factory in Katowice and his mother ... read more

Sándor Fleischmann 1909 - 1945

Born 12.2.1909 in Šurany
Died 8.2.1945 in Gusen

Sándor was born to Aron Fleischman and his wife Filipka in 1909. He was the second child in the family of a tailor and a dressmaker. There were six children born between 1906 and 1915. Their ... read more

Max Bornstein 1924 - 1945

Born 8.6.1924 in Wien
Died 24.2.1945 in Gusen

I know very little about my uncle, as my mother, who survived Auschwitz, never told me about her family. The information I have is from what I was told by my uncle's classmates.   My uncle was ... read more

Andrzej Piechota 1886 - 1941

Born 19.1.1886 in Sokołów
Died 6.2.1941 in Gusen

Andrzej Piechota was born into a farming family on 19 January 1886 in Sokołow in the Turek district. He was educated at the religious college in Włockławek. From 1909 onwards, Andrzej Piechota worked ... read more

Jan Zasada 1897 - 1941

Born 25.9.1897 in Podębice
Died 26.8.1941 in Gusen

My grandfather Jan Zasada was born in Podębice. He lived in Grójec and in Kutno where he was arrested and transferred through Inowrocław to Mauthausen/Gusen. He was left-wing local politician i ... read more

Abraham Teitel 1913 - 1942

Born 3.6.1913 in Zeishorn
Died 23.10.1942 in Mauthausen

Abraham Manjoe Teitel, Brink 13, Muiden, born in Zeishorn on 3 June 1913, died in Mauthausen on 23 October 1942. Abraham Manjoe Teitel was married, he was the head of his family. During the war, in ... read more

Wacław Ołdakowski 1896 - 1945

Born 10.11.1896
Died 25.1.1945 in Gusen

Wacław Ołdakowski, son of Tadeusz and Marianna, was born in Krzeczkowo Mianowskie on 10 November 1896. He went to a school in Rosochate Kościelne. Prior to the First World War he attended a Varsovian ... read more

Emil Goldmann 1872 - 1942

Born 29.11.1872 in Vítkovice
Died 1.8.1942 in Mauthausen

Emil Goldmann was a Goldmann again only under the Nazis and because his name was not obviously ‘Jewish’ enough (Executive Order on the Law on the Alteration of Family and Personal Names ... read more

Константин Николаевич Вашкевич / Konstantin Nikolaewitsch Waschkewitsch 1906 - 1945

Born 14.2.1906 in Olgowo
Died .4.1945 in Gusen

Konstantin Nikolaevich Vashkevich was born on 14 February 1906 in the village of Olgovo in the Dmitrovsky district of Moscow oblast. His father Nikokai Alexeevich worked as the municipal clerk. His ... read more

Wincenty Gołębiewski 1909 - 1944

Born 19.7.1909 in Bieżuń
Died 8.11.1944 in Linz

We are questing for the completion of a story told years after as a result of a selection performed by the Germans at Dulag 121 camp in Pruszków in Poland Wincenty Gołębiewski went missing. Z ... read more