Marija Hafner 1895 - 1942

Born 19.1.1895 in Naklo
Died 20.4.1942 in Mauthausen


On 16 April 1942 the Slovenian resistance movement shot five German collaborators, among them the German mayor of Jesenice, Karl Luckmann. 

As a reprisal for this action, SS Gruppenführer Rösener, police commander in the occupied territory of Slovenia, ordered the shooting of 50 hostages. The names of the hostages were publicly announced on large posters.

The hostages were sent on a separate transport to Mauthausen for execution and shot on 20 April 1942 in groups of two. The last group contained four women: Marija Hafner (mother), Pavla Frlic, Marija Hafner (daughter) and Cecilija Vrankar. 

All the murdered women had strong connections to the Slovenian Liberation Movement and several testimonies report that they went to their deaths proudly. 

These four women from Slovenia were the first women to be murdered as hostages in Mauthausen.

Dušan Stefančič


Dušan Stefančič, born in 1927 in Gornji Grad (Slovenia), was deported in 1944 as a student to Dachau concentration camp and from there to Mauthausen and Gusen. He is the honorary president of the Comité International de Mauthausen.


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