Salomon Salzedo 1906 - 1942

Born 13.7.1906 in Amsterdam
Died 12.10.1942 in Mauthausen


Salomon Salzedo was born on 13 July 1906 in Amsterdam. He had a sister, Evalina (*1908), and a brother, Samuel (*1913). Salomon was a salesman in haberdashery. On March 23, 1939 he married Frederika Schaap. Their happiness was short-lived: on November 5, 1941, Salomon was de-registered at this address. In the archive of police reports nothing can be found about the reasons of his arrest, nor when Salomon was transported to Camp Amersfoort. Only a dental visit on September 18, 1942 can be found about him in the camp archive. On September 25, 1942, he was deported to Mauthausen and on October 3, 1942, he was registered as a prisoner. The Mauthausen Concentration Camp belonged to Lagerstufe III, the hardest category of concentration camps. This meant 'Vernichtung durch Arbeit', extermination by labour.

According to the archives in Mauthausen, Salomon died of pneumonia at 15:10 o'clock on October 12, 1942 at the age of 36. It has to be mentioned that the time and cause of death given in the archival material often does not correspond to the actual time and cause of death.

His parents, Evalina, Samuel, their partners and Samuel's baby (6 months old) were also murdered in concentration camps.   Frederika survived the war, being the only one from her family. She was exempt from deportation, probably because she was a seamstress and thus useful for the war machinery. In 1947 she married Jacob Leon, also a Shoa survivor. Frederika died in 2004, in Amsterdam. She had no children.


Isabel Quiroga

Location In room